Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Is laparoscopic surgery more expensive than open surgery?
Answer :

While the cost of the equipment and the procedure are higher than that of open surgery, it needs fewer medications and requires minimal hospital stay which makes it an economical option than open surgeries.

Answer :

There are no to minimal chances of hernia coming back after the laparoscopic surgery.

Answer :

Gallstones that do not cause pain do not need to be treated. However, gallstones that cause pain need to be surgically removed as soon as possible.

Answer :

No, the surgical procedures include the removal of the entire gallbladder from the body ensuring the prevention of future complications.

Answer :

In most of the cases, patients are released from the hospital with 4 hours of bed rest after the surgery. Patient can get back to their daily routines within a week of the surgery.

Answer :

Each of our surgery is performed using safe procedures that reduce the chance of any side effects. However, medications are prescribed to mitigate common rashes and swellings.

Answer :

It is a medical procedure used to diagnose the colon or large intestine along with the removal of polyps and tumours from the colon.

Answer :

Yes, laparoscopic surgery can be successfully conducted on the children. The surgical procedure includes minimal cuts and less blood loss that can be easily used for children.

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